School Uniform
KG |
GRADE 1 TO 10 |
Uniform Accessories
SHOES | Black shoes & white socks with regular uniform
with PE uniform should wear white shoes and white socks. Note : Those students who are wearing Hijab should use white color only Winter wear KG to Grade 10 : Maroon sweater |
Welcome to the Transport Department of IES.
We are providing 7 buses for transportation of students who live in the following areas: Adhen, Al Jazera, Digdaga, Kharran, Khuzam, Jazeera, RAK, Mammorah, Julan, Al Rams, Mareedh, and Al Nakheel. Everyday children are picked up and dropped off at predetermined bus stops that are carefully set after a thorough survey of the area.
The school bus operates on specific routes for the conveyance of students. Defaulters of conveyance fees will not be allowed to avail this facility. The buses will collect / drop students only at the authorized boarding points and the bused will not wait for any body. Therefore, it will be the responsibility of the parents to drop / collect their children at such points on time.
Strong and prompt disciplinary action will be taken against those pupils who misbehave in the school bus, change of bus is not generally permitted. Due to unavoidable circumstances, if a change of bus is necessary approval from the principal should be obtained well in advance. If, on any day, a parent wishes to take his/her ward with him/her in the afternoon (from the school bus) he / she should request the principal in writing before 2 pm.