Refinement of manners, habit of obedience and order, neatness in person and dress and punctuality are required at all times.
The morning session begins with the assembly which all the students are expected to join. Parents must ensure that their child is punctual.
- Students should arrive at the school at 7:40 am every day. The students who reach the school campus early should enter their classroom and spend their time in silent study.
- Students must bring the School Diary daily
- On all working days and at school functions wearing of school uniform is compulsory unless otherwise permitted.
- Text books, note books, bags, umbrellas etc. must bear the name of the owner. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage.
- Books other than those required for school work should not be brought to the school.
- Wearing of gold ornaments and bringing valuable articles to the school are prohibited.
- Prolonged absence on medical grounds should be supported by a Medical Certificate.
- School buildings and premises should be kept clean.
- School property should be handled very carefully. Any damage caused to the school property should be made good at the cost of the party concerned.
- All students are expected to be polite and courteous. They They expected to greet teachers, other members of the staff and all visitors with due respect.
- Boys should come with their hair short and groomed properly.
- Girls should groom their hair neatly.
- Students must converse only in English within the school campus, in the school bus and at the bus stops while waiting to board the bus.
- No students shall leave the school campus during the working hours without the permission of the principal.
- Parents, Guardians or others are not allowed to see their children or meet the teachers during the school hours.
- Students suffering from any contagious or infections disease will not be permitted to attend the school.
- Students are advised to pare their nails regularly and no nail polish should be allowed.
- Running, playing or shouting inside the classroom will not be allowed.